Let’s ensure a just transition

VG wants to build the transition to carbon neutrality on justice and equality.

Municipalities shall form land use policy which considers nature conservation and reclamation of natural quality

Let’s support carbon sequestration and wetland reclamation

Let’s proceed in wind farming with nature conservation and environmental protection as a guiding principle

Let’s guarantee the protection of ecosystems and organize tree farming and land reclamation with biodiversity in mind

VG wants municipalities to form land use policy such that all implementation considers the prevention of pollution, minimalizing damage to life and the environment, and the reuse of soil. Wetlands, forests and other ecosystems shall be protected and reclaimed: tree farming and land reclamation shall be organized with biological diversity and carbon sequestration in mind.

Let’s guarantee air quality, water protection and access to clean water

Let’s guarantee education about environmental and climate change issues in day cares and compulsory school

Let’s reduce food waste at the municipal level

Let’s make food with a low carbon footprint easily available

VG wants municipal institutions to reduce food waste and increase availability of food with a low carbon footprint.

Let’s assertively introduce the circular economy in collaboration with municipalities when it comes to sewage and waste

VG wants to introduce the circular economy assertively, examining collaboration on waste solutions across municipalities. Action shall be taken to get municipal sewage into satisfactory condition. Átak verður gert til að koma fráveitumálum sveitarfélaga í fullnægjandi horf.

Let’s practice green accounting and guarantee that municipalities practice eco-friendly buying of goods and services

Let’s strengthen defenses against natural disasters, including increased production of sea, snow and avalanche walls

Let’s increase the influence of natural protection committees and ensure their presence in civic organizing

All organization should consider nature conservation, climate issues and public health